Coming to You: A Season of Mussar

Humility                 Anger              Gratitude                 Trust

Honor                                    Alacrity


What do these mean in your life?

Winter is a season of turning in, the branches give up their blooming, even the sun seems to take a break.  It’s a time of turning inward for all living things and offers an opportunity not just to survive, but to thrive.

This winter…have a breakthrough; experience the full flow of vitality and inner light in your life.

Beginning Tuesday, January 8, 2013,  Temple Beth David is beginning A Season of Mussar three-month introductory course.

A Season of Mussar is a complete program that provides congregations and communities with materials and processes with which to build spiritual community at the local level through a supervised Mussar program. A Season of Mussar groups have already taken place in Chicago, San Francisco, Philadelphia, Vancouver, Seattle, Dallas, Denver, Ann Arbor and many more locations.

Participants have consistently reported a high level of satisfaction with the program. Individuals engage in intensive learning and practice supported by a combined use of personal study and face-to-face meetings.

A Season of Mussar runs over 13 weeks. Each middah (soul-trait) on the curriculum is studied for two weeks, and so over the course of the full three-month program a total of six middot are studied. Every two weeks, we will meet locally to address questions on the middah and to discuss progress and insights in a supportive and engaging group environment.

Join us Tuesday Nights, January 8th & 22nd from 7pm—8:30pm at the JCC in Room 1

If you have any questions or are interested in participating, please contact
Howard Brill at 585-264-1691 or

For those looking to experience powerful spiritual community, reinforced commitment
and deepened learning, A Season of Mussar with Temple Beth David is the perfect opportunity for growth this winter.

A Season of Mussar 2013

Thank you to the Mussar Institute