The Book of Remembrance is a lovely way to remember your loved ones.
You can type into the Microsoft Word form and print and mail it with your check to Temple Beth David at 3200 St. Paul Blvd., Rochester, NY 14617. You can also use it to email the copy to Cindy. If you prefer, you can print out the pdf version of the form and fill it out by hand.
The book is used four times a year in Temple Services on Yom Kippur, Shemini Atzeret, Eighth Day of Passover and 2nd Day of Shavuot at the Yizkor Services.
In the addition to your listing, the book contains the Yizkor service, poems, and illustrations. It is yours to take home and treat with proper respect. Some people take it with them when visiting the cemetery.
Any questions, please call Cindy at 334-5646 or email her at